Markets Investors continued to pour cash into mutual funds.
The ships carry day-tripping tourists, who pour much-needed cash into the tourism industry that fuels Venice.
Institutions tend to pour cash into money funds whenever the Fed eases rates.
It is virtually impossible to salvage an ailing economy without also benefiting the banks and investors that poured cash into it.
International investors poured cash into South African stocks, hoping that political change will work out for the best.
Investors continue to pour cash into bond mutual funds, seeking higher yields as short-term interest rates decline, fund managers said yesterday.
Fund managers Private investors have poured cash into gold funds in the last few years.
"You mean Luttrell refused to pour cash into Chastain?"
Since 1990, investors have treated every stock market dip as a buying opportunity and have poured cash into stock mutual funds.
Despite the investigations, investors industrywide continue to pour cash into stock funds.