I'm liable to pour gravy on you.
You heard your mother, Sean poured gravy over his meat, cut a potato in half and lifted one piece to his mouth.
She poured gravy on everything . . . vegetables, applesauce, chicken, dressing, and a heap of rolls.
Shirley smiled sourly to herself as she poured gravy.
But soon... Beside Mary Ann, Cadmann poured gravy over sliced turkey and stuffing.
The X Brand Super-Jug pours gravy from the base of the jug rather than the top, thus leaving the fat in the jug.
Most food commercials have hand models pouring gravy, dipping a French fry or cutting meat.
Rourke had fixed himself a can of stew and poured the beef, vegetables, and gravy over bread, then eaten it quickly.
During one episode, he pours "gravy of freedom" over a steak shaped like America, using the gravy as a metaphor for the things that make the country great.
He poured gravy on to a corner of his I "Tristan, I'll give you the job.