The family believes Rani's husband tried to suffocate or strangle her, poured kerosene over her and set her on fire.
The Pakistani army then poured kerosene over the dead bodies and set them on fire.
She poured kerosene in the hole in the centre, and it ran down to the root system and killed the plant.
Some restaurants even used to go so far as to pour kerosene over the day's garbage so homeless people wouldn't sift through it.
Had a deep pit dug on her Ronkonkoma farm, threw everything inside it, poured kerosene across the pile, and set it all ablaze.
When the demonstrators reached Dallas City Hall, Johnson poured kerosene on the flag and set it on fire.
When she was 14, two years ago, Donna poured kerosene around their house in Huntington, Ind., and set it on fire.
He'd poured kerosene over the pile and now had the plastic container from inside the back cab.
She stacked them, poured kerosene on them, and burned them, by God!
He gave the boy a sleeping pill, poured kerosene on the his bed, kissed him goodbye and struck a match as he stood in the doorway.