Each time she poured wax, she waited for the hot wax to harden before adding more wax.
Fire bombs have been found which were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline.
Then I'm going to pour melted wax into the water, and the shapes it makes will tell me the answers to your questions.
A letter writer would fold the completed letter, pour wax over the joint formed by the top of the page, and then impress a ring or other seal matrix.
WhO Lord, calls on the Candleman to pour hot wax on his head?
Left at 727 Turnock St. Was experiment to add channels to pour wax for quicker mold.
They then forced their victim onto a platform and began to pour molten wax on him.
Bridget of Sweden poured hot wax on her flesh.
Following a Polish tradition, they poured hot wax into cold water to interpret the shapes of things to come for the new year.
He then pours hot wax into the rubber mold and empties it out, leaving a quarter-inch thickness of wax.