Not surprisingly, then, figures from numerous studies conducted in Lao show an increase in all the poverty indicators - including decreased food production and increased mortality rates - among new villages.
In addition, 65 percent of Edison's students qualified last year for free or reduced-price lunches, a generally recognized poverty indicator, up from 57 percent the previous year.
But a recent study commissioned by the Republican-led Senate found that in several poverty indicators, the state's rural areas were losing ground to its metropolitan regions.
Half the students are black or Hispanic, and 36 percent are eligible for a free or discounted lunch, a poverty indicator.
As a reception area for recent immigrants and as the part of the Greater Toronto Area with the highest levels of poverty indicators, there was much to be accomplished.
We have mapped suspects' addresses with poverty indicators.
There are some appalling poverty indicators for African countries that export energy resources such as fossil fuels exploited by private companies.
However, to do this we need new poverty indicators, since up to now we have only had comprehensive data on the risk of relative poverty.
The absence of a list of poverty indicators inadvertently demonstrates a lack of understanding of what poverty means.
Indeed, there is a direct relationship between the absence of adequate energy services and many poverty indicators such as infant mortality, illiteracy, life expectancy and total fertility rate.