If he were to write his book today, "I wouldn't focus on the poverty-stricken masses", he told the BBC.
He is opposed by Truman, a rabble rouser who stirs up the discontented, poverty-stricken masses.
Bhutto's program directly targeted the country's poverty-stricken masses.
United States officials had hoped that in the presidential balloting the Haitians would elect Marc Bazin, a smooth, well-educated technocrat who could be counted upon to restrain the surging aspirations of the poverty-stricken masses.
Top marks to Fender for continuing to care for us, the poverty-stricken masses, but while the Squier Hank was a nice enough guitar, we felt that the pickups and hardware were not really up to the standard of an early-to-mid '80s Squier or Tokai.
The poverty-stricken masses of the world may not stand idly by as the world's favored few traverse the path toward psychological self-indulgence.
Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, cooperating with South Africa and helping it to put its under-development behind it should be a fundamental duty for Europe, whose ruling classes greatly benefited in the past from the pillage of that country' s mineral wealth and from the exploitation of its poverty-stricken masses.
These were mourning observances for the dead, as well as celebrations of life, and entertainment for the poverty-stricken masses.
George Orwell was warning everyone of the plight of poverty-stricken masses, whose only salvation was socialism and not the sort recommended by vegetarian cranks in sandals.