Zeera Southworth was tall and slender and very dark, crowned with hair like a black powder explosion.
He saw that the brig had been blown open by a powder explosion and he told Niles Ronjan, who promptly guessed the truth.
His father, Earl Hartwig, said, "I think there was a powder explosion -accidental - that caused the explosion."
One set of rifling marks going down the barrel with a ram rod, and another coming out with the powder explosion behind it!
The British were caught off guard, and suffered further misfortune when a powder explosion under the half-deck dismounted three guns, and killed or wounded eighteen men.
A number of du Pont men perished, sometimes heroically, in powder explosions.
A powder explosion in 1871 caused extensive damage to the barracks and required their reconstruction.
The earthworks of the fort are still generally intact, surrounding the huge hole that was caused by the powder explosion.
The sharpness of the black powder explosion also meant that guns were subjected to extreme stress.
The purpose of these measures was to reduce the possibility of sparks and the potential for a powder explosion.