Mineral powders spill across stained wooden shelves and earthenware jars stink with noxious liquids.
The steady ascent slowed; the stone cylinder wobbled, and still more smoke and powder spilled out of the central hole.
All the rooms I passed were full of cast-off clothing, forgotten combs and brushes, withered flowers still in the vases, powder spilled on the floor.
When consumers tried it, the powder sometimes spilled out of the boxes.
The cyanide-laced powder spilled onto the worker and a supervisor but they were unharmed.
The powder in the cartridge case spilled bitterly into my mouth as my teeth pierced it through.
It was a bedroom in a complete state of chaos - powder spilled on the floor - pots and jars everywhere, clothes flung about.
The employee was cashing his paycheck at the Ellenville National Bank yesterday morning when white powder spilled onto a teller's window.
Dom's hands jerked and powder spilled to the rock; he swore under his breath, kicked at the fallen stuff with his boot.
The powder gets statically charged and spills all over the place.