But the power required to maintain that shield is more than we can afford for any length of time.
In essence, it seems, great powers cannot afford to walk away from strategically important parts of their shrinking empire.
"We are looking calmly at the future because no power can afford to ignore this."
Education is now under the jurisdiction of the territorial government and the territory has most powers afforded to the rest of the provinces.
"That same magic powers other things, besides the protection that the bond affords against the dream walker."
For some countries, nuclear power affords energy independence.
Usually only the power of high rank could afford a Rihannsu officer the luxury of keeping trusted confidants within reach.
And this play makes searingly clear the heady feeling that such power affords someone who sees himself as powerless.
They were codified words, nothing more, but the power afforded them now seemed almost malevolent.
Only a fool would maintain that an occupying power could afford many such mistakes, even if it is under constant threat of suicide attacks.