With a LBT counselor's knowledge of deductive logic, a power differential may be created between the counselor and the client.
Unless overlapping sets of boundary-work are employed, co-production may also fail to account for power differentials within each variable (in this case, within technology and society).
Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, and generally contrast historically dominant ideologies.
There is always a social context and in any context power differentials operate.
Consensus often masks power differentials.
People develop patterns of exchange to cope with power differentials and to deal with the costs associated with exercising power.
This includes being creative and flexible to capture different cultural contexts, and heightened awareness of power differentials that exist in an evaluation context.
Max Weber critiqued historical materialism, positing that stratification is not based purely on economic inequalities but on other status and power differentials.
He argues that relative disparities and power differentials are the most important problems of globalization.
This branch of psychology investigates how and why psychology focuses on the individual and disregards power differentials, social, and racial impacts on psychopathology.