Thirty years in power followed by thirty years in the wilderness is the usual formula, according to Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., the historian, though it is seldom so exact.
The successive collapse of French, then Japanese power, followed by the dissension among the political factions in Saigon had been accompanied by widespread violence in the countryside.
This suggested that, on at least one occasion, none of the engines were producing power, followed by a resumption of power on some of the engines.
In 338 BC the Macedonians came into power followed by Ptolemaic Egypt.
Near the planned time, there was a wavering in electric power followed by one of the blackouts common in the city at that time.
The Roscoe Wind Farm is the largest onshore wind farm in the world, producing 781.5 MW of power, followed by the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center (735.5 MW).
This role shows his power, followed by 'Kanoon Kya Karega'.
In response to a particular dream I point out: "Again and again in the dream, there is a surge of power followed by a disaster and then a restful calm."
MSW's numerical designation has two digits indicating power in hp/10, followed by the number of seats, suggesting an optimum 220 hp power unit.