Bombing targets often include bridges, rail lines and power installations.
Without the power plants we can't launch, and it takes nearly everything I make to keep up the interest payments on those power installations.
There are ruins of bubble-construction and a solar power installation.
On maps, it is generally used to indicate a nuclear power installation.
Around 17% of the commune's electricity is provided by local solar power installations.
Within a year of the electric power installation, telephone line was strung as well on the same poles.
Larger scale solar power installations have become more economically competitive in an environment of higher energy prices and increasing government incentives.
Relevant for solar-power is only "power installation per investment unit" not the efficiency of primary energy use.
Mr President, there is no doubt that nuclear power installations are not wholly safe from terrorist attacks.
Every nuclear power installation, whether inside or outside Europe, has the potential to be a weapon of destruction.