The Energy Department had worried that supplies to the power marketers could be interrupted in the wake of an auction.
Until now, power marketers have been allowed to report sales to the commission in vague, aggregated terms with few details.
There were also 65 power marketers.
In 1996, there were 3,195 electric utilities in the United States and 65 power marketers.
The members of the Regional Reliability Councils include private, public and cooperative utilities, power marketers and final customers.
California's millions of customers can expect to be deluged by phone calls from telemarketers and to receive numerous mailings from power marketers.
"On top of the current load of phone companies that are calling, you will have a bunch of power marketers."
Several of the nation's other big power marketers have been accused of helping drive up prices during the state's energy crisis.
We're facing people out there who are strictly power marketers.
To stimulate the state's wind power market, the energy authority supplied seed money directly to the developers, and to "green power marketers" including Community Energy.