Potential power refers to the possibility of turning resources into actual power.
The "power" of the title refers to politics, as Mr. Berky edges into activism.
"I now understand the power referred to by Aesnil-and understand, too, why another awaits you behind me."
Negawatt power refers to investment to reduce electricity consumption rather than investing to increase supply capacity.
The powers that be may refer to:
The predictive power of a scientific theory refers to its ability to generate testable predictions.
The discriminatory power refers to a credit risk model's ability to differentiate between defaulting and non-defaulting clients.
A secret protocol of the pact, however, specified that the European power referred to Germany.
Peak power here refers to the maximum amount of power an electronic component can possibly handle for an instant without damage.
In this comparison, "power" refers to installed power, not all of which is used when operating.