What there will be is a larger throng kneeling at the same altar: power-hungry men supplanted by power-hungry women.
Though he had won his victory, he was appalled by what the knighthood had become - divided into factions by power-hungry men.
Gustav has been regarded by some as a power-hungry man who wished to control everything: the Church, the economy, the army and all foreign affairs.
"Religion is just a tool that power-hungry men use to steal intelligent people of their common sense."
I think they're power-hungry, greedy, and more man a little vicious.
Six years later, the political wheels in Washington have turned and other power-hungry men are eager for his blood.
In "Speed-the-Plow," a fiendish dissection of Hollywood, the movies are run by power-hungry men.
Scotland had proved too small to hold two such power-hungry men.
"When a few power-hungry men decide they are not going to allow it to act, it is something for the people to consider."
But deep in his gut he had known that power-hungry men like Malik would topple him if they got the chance.