The power-sharing deal could make Mr Cameron prime minister within 48 hours.
In interview after interview, protesters said they would not allow their politicians to strike any power-sharing deals with the palace.
Arab members returned to the council in December 2007 after a new power-sharing deal was agreed.
Zimbabwe's power-sharing deal was signed amid huge optimism five weeks ago.
Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj is eventually appointed as prime minister following power-sharing deal.
In a power-sharing deal hailed by some commentators as a model for Yugoslavia's future, the three nationalist parties formed a coalition administration.
The two sides have also come close to terms on a power-sharing deal.
In practise, after 2008, the 2008 power-sharing deal provided the structure for much of the government.
Not visibly present in the demonstrations were organizations associated with the conservative parties, though their national leadership condemned the power-sharing deals.
It ended in 1994 with a power-sharing deal which brought the main faction of Frud into government.