Other powerboat races took place in 1980, 1981, 1982, 2002, 2003 and 2008.
With that boat and successors, Bertram won many United States and European offshore powerboat races, including the 1965 world championship.
Dirk liked to race motorcycles cross-country and enter in powerboat races.
The Venture Cup is billed as the World's longest, toughest and most prestigious powerboat race and they currently have teams from over 18 countries entered.
It's usually the big, tricked-out Superboats with their churning, 1,000-horsepower engines that draw crowds at offshore powerboat races.
From 1909 to 1927 the record was an unofficial listing from the organisers of powerboat races.
Later on in the summer, powerboat races are held.
Shortly after the re-rig the boat was raced in the Around Ireland 2010 powerboat race, which it won overall and won its class.
But the first officially recognized international offshore powerboat race was a 22-mile event from Calais, France to Dover, England.
Later in the year, he and two friends entered a powerboat race in the Finnish harbour city of Hanko while wearing gorilla suits.