The answer from this gray-bearded religious scholar, one of 12 members of Iran's powerful Council of Guardians, was an understatement, to say the least.
In the garment industry, Mr. Herman is known as the longest-running president of the powerful Council of Fashion Designers of America.
As we use the word in this book, it means people and organizations connected with the immensely powerful and highly secret Council on Foreign Relations - the CFR.
But that's not to say that a larger and more powerful Council wouldn't be a good thing.
His draft provided for a powerful unelected Legislative Council and an elected Legislative Assembly with high property qualifications for voting and membership.
Walter's father-in-law, the able and energetic Sir Andrew Corbet, had been vice-president of the powerful Council of Wales and the Marches.
President Wilson appointed Gompers to the powerful Council of National Defense, where he set up the War Committee on Labor.
It was written by the Local Government Commission, which suggests scrapping the County Council and replacing it with four all powerful Unitary Councils.
In these days of municipal gloom, the notion of electing the largest and most powerful Council in city history was not enough to inspire the voters.
Later, the President recalled Guilarte and appointed him a member of the powerful Council of State.