This island was once the capital of a powerful local kingdom.
In the beginning of the 16th Century, this state emerged as a powerful kingdom.
There were a number of powerful kingdoms present in this area before the 9th century.
It was the most powerful and centralized kingdom in the region.
This was a region of powerful and rich African kingdoms.
Through a great war, the empire grew from a minor power to the most powerful kingdom in the world within four days!
I believe the same thing you do, and I see no other powerful kingdom which does.
So the general conquered neighboring states and created a powerful kingdom for himself.
It was the seat of a very powerful kingdom that flourished over two hundred years ago.
There was no powerful kingdom left to oppose him.
This island was once the capital of a powerful local kingdom.
In the beginning of the 16th Century, this state emerged as a powerful kingdom.
There were a number of powerful kingdoms present in this area before the 9th century.
It was the most powerful and centralized kingdom in the region.
This was a region of powerful and rich African kingdoms.
Through a great war, the empire grew from a minor power to the most powerful kingdom in the world within four days!
I believe the same thing you do, and I see no other powerful kingdom which does.
So the general conquered neighboring states and created a powerful kingdom for himself.
It was the seat of a very powerful kingdom that flourished over two hundred years ago.
There was no powerful kingdom left to oppose him.