But if these newer self-run companies succeed, this could be a powerful antidote to the crisis in classical recording.
But nature in Antarctica is a powerful antidote, and by the end of the book the penguins are safe under the cover of winter darkness.
Though it provides no guarantee, a sound physician-patient relationship is a powerful antidote to frivolous lawsuits.
"It resists our spells and even a powerful herbal antidote."
And the reigniting of desire was the most powerful antidote for a desperate woman's fear of death.
If you wanted a powerful antidote to technological utopianism then this manifesto is it.
Performing turns out to be a powerful antidote to that anger.
A successful Russia would be a powerful antidote to the Chinese model, living proof for the third world of the benefits of freedom.
At its best, providentialist thinking can offer a powerful antidote to self-righteousness.
They tend to choose the biggest cities they can find, needing a powerful antidote to the provinces.