The scent of the saltings which had been with them since their arrival was now masked by a far more powerful aroma.
Unfortunately, these plants lack the original powerful aroma and are often sterile.
As the dish was served, a powerful sweet aroma arose from the plate.
The place is filled with powerful aromas, deep flavors, intense colors, intrigue and surprise.
She removed the tight top of one and sniffed, and her blue eyes opened wide in surprise at the powerful aroma.
Five days with centaurs hadn't made any of them more used to the powerful aroma the creatures gave off.
She knew the powerful flowery aroma was responsible for her vivid reactions.
I found it seductive and deep with ripe, creamy aromas, powerful but elegant and balanced.
The memory of its powerful, fruity aroma brings a beatific smile to her face.
This complex spirit radiates a powerful aroma like that of dried shiitake mushrooms.