He was then the most powerful baron in Frankish Greece.
This however did not meet with everyone's approval and many of the powerful barons rebelled against the crown.
Hugh's lands extended little beyond the Paris basin; his political unimportance weighed against the powerful barons who elected him.
What some legend of a great and powerful baron out East, beyond the Blue Ridges.
Visiting a historical coffee farm you will hear about powerful barons, strong slaves and demanding ladies in their beautiful homes.
Soon after crossing the border, Tasio is arrested for murder of a powerful logging baron.
Generally in Deathlands sec men were visible in any numbers only near a large ville run by a powerful baron.
He is regarded with deep suspicion by the party's powerful barons.
This made him one of the most powerful barons in England and Normandy.
Ryan Cawdor: the youngest son of a powerful baron in Virginia.