From this time she devoted herself to political intrigue, especially for the preferment of her brother the abbé Tencin, who became archbishop of Embrun and received a cardinal's hat, much to the credit of her wielding her power over certain powerful benefactors.
But Mr. Radisic has a powerful benefactor in Belgrade - President Milosevic.
The allegations that the club was involved in various illegal and irregular activities, and also protected from persecution because of their powerful benefactor, during this period are numerous.
The investigators' dilemma was whether the protection of such a powerful benefactor extended posthumously.
It was the first baptistery of the cathedral and for a long time was the site for the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament, which had many powerful benefactors.
He will also need to keep up the museum's relations with its many powerful benefactors.
However he was rescued with help from the Munros who were rewarded with lands and who became closely connected with their powerful benefactors.
While most farmworkers have little money, and even less political clout, they have increasingly attracted powerful benefactors.
Throughout this process, the Union has been caught out, on more than one occasion, posing arrogantly as the rich and powerful benefactor of the poor relation, who has no other choice than to bow down or withdraw.
The oratory was originally part of a hospice set up by brothers of the Crociferi order to give shelter to pilgrims and provide assistance to the sick, and found a powerful benefactor in the 13th century: Doge Renier Zen.