Bryan delivered speeches across the country for free silver from 1894 to 1896, building a grass-roots reputation as a powerful champion of the cause.
Indeed these are powerful champions that good fortune hath appointed as our allies.
Mark Grayson is Invincible, the son of the planet's most powerful heroic champion.
Carnegie Hall and the international world of music have lost a powerful champion, and we have lost a beloved friend.
In private practice, he became a powerful champion of the railroads, representing their interests before the state railroad commission.
But the concept still has powerful champions.
When the Council found no powerful champion, they called again on Philip, and he came.
Until his retirement in 1996, he was a powerful and often lonely champion of the oft-derided genre.
But there were times, notably in the 1930's and 1960's, when they had powerful champions.
The composer is lucky to have such a powerful champion.