Flosi, the uncle of Höskuldr's wife, takes revenge against the killers, and seeks help from powerful chieftains.
He sympathises with their cause and helps them achieve the support of his brother Þorgeirr, a powerful chieftain.
In the 1020s and 1030s, he was one of the most powerful chieftains in Norway.
This continued until Vairumati gave birth to a son, who one day would become a powerful chieftain.
The urZrethi, led by powerful chieftains, fashioned their own empires and dug deep into the earth.
They speak of a single, wise all powerful chieftain with the powers of a wizard.
Instead, they saw them as two powerful chieftains who might become rivals.
Flosi's son Kolbein became a powerful chieftain in the mid eleventh century.
Snorri returned home, and although he soon became the country's most powerful chieftain, he did little to enforce the king's will.
The area had recently been abandoned by the Romans and was in the possession of a powerful local chieftain.