This is an extremely powerful component that could be used more many functions and is frequently updated.
It was, of course, immediately adopted by the extreme left, which had, indeed, long provided a powerful component of evolutionary thinking.
This is why criminal law, when it functions properly, has a powerful democratic component.
The Prosecutor General remains the most powerful component of the Russian judicial system.
They both built a powerful naval-air component based on aircraft carriers, as did Japan; these played the central role in the war at sea.
The rind is also a powerful component when it comes to flavor.
In the press I include television, its most powerful component now and the most egregious official lap dog during the war.
They contain more powerful components and have a 15" or larger display.
Game consoles that are promoted as having very powerful components can turn out to be "somewhat less than the sum of their parts," he added.
When one visits a crumbling culture, one does best to explore its most powerful component first.