His own position thereafter was threatened by the rise of another powerful eunuch, Aetios.
In the center sat Li the Cat, flanked by the two powerful eunuchs whose names had been on the list of corporate officers.
Meanwhile, Liu intended to eliminate the most powerful eunuchs.
That fat fellow who ordered the murder happens to be the second most powerful eunuch in the empire, commonly called Li the Cat.
In 153, the first major public confrontation between an official and a powerful eunuch occurred-foreshadowing many to come.
Chen and Dou therefore started a plot to exterminate all of the powerful eunuchs.
When Dou Wu presented the plan to his daughter, however, she refused-reasoning that not all of the powerful eunuchs deserved death.
Within 4 months he died, and the powerful eunuch was pressing his executors for the promised gold.
The request was accompanied by a large tribute, and Wang further sent bribes to the powerful eunuchs, hoping to be made chancellor.
She was Emperor Ling's first wife, who later became a victim of the powerful eunuchs.