You seem to smell danger and taste excitement and, as television has no smell or taste, that is powerful evocation.
Nonetheless, the song remains a powerful evocation of the plight of the poor people of Saint Vincent.
Her Elsa is a powerful evocation of a woman dancing at the edge of bitterness, a do-gooder with a mission and nothing much to show for it.
At last, Mr. Turner emerged nude from his confines and scrambled across the floor in a powerful evocation of the birth of life on earth.
Ann Rower wrote and read the poetry, which included a powerful evocation of a relationship, built and then broken, as seen through a list of everyday events and objects.
But when he's on a roll, Stern's narrative highstakesmanship and comic gifts combine in a powerful evocation of a lost time.
The book is discussed in the Oxford Companion to Irish Literature, which describes it as 'a powerful evocation of betrayal, deceit and guilt.'
"Nashville" - which was released 30 years ago this month - is also, perhaps most of all, a powerful evocation of the most cynical era in modern American history.
At its New York premiere last year, "Davenen" was a powerful evocation of religious devotion inspired by Jewish prayer rituals.
Mr. Neto Cravo's pictures in the show, from the early 1990's, are powerful evocations of the mystical.