And that can only be done with strength, like a powerful fleet.
If you wish to go up against not only myself but the combined might of the most powerful spacegoing fleet in existence, be my guest.
He had no infantry divisions or powerful fleets, he mused.
That's a very powerful fleet, espe-cially with the new artillery.
Building anew and powerful fleets, the republic took control over the eastern Mediterranean.
Agamemnon scanned the forces he had pulled together, and the powerful but unsuspecting robotic fleet.
The walls facing the sea were less thick, since the Order had little to fear from a sea attack due to their powerful naval fleet.
We have stalemated the most powerful fleet in space!
Driven by their need for more worlds, the Mantis have created powerful fleets to further that goal.
Soon after the failed attack, Albuquerque hastened to assemble a powerful fleet of 23 ships and 1200 men.