Racing under the fierce glow of powerful floodlights, about 70 of the world's best will compete just 30 minutes from the center of Zagreb.
Instantly, powerful floodlights were tripped, blinding the driver, who brought his arm up to shield his eyes.
I like the Ivo van Damme with its powerful floodlights and big, enthusiastic crowd.
And the subs have powerful floodlights for illumination.
The powerful floodlights near the center of camp carved a great wedge of light out of the night sky.
Darkness had fallen, but the grounds of Swift Enterprises were illuminated with powerful floodlights.
The first step was to lower a powerful floodlight on a power line running from the ship.
They were brought up on Deepdale plastic, gleaming under powerful floodlights.
During night-time those red crosses were illuminated by powerful floodlights: at that time darkness accounted for twenty hours out of the twenty-four.
A high mast towered upward from the area which supported a powerful floodlight.