Its strength varies in us; Liadan has a powerful gift, shared by only one other that I know of.
In particular, those children born closest to the stroke of midnight wield more powerful gifts than the others.
Such art is a powerful gift from a bold and talented artist to the world.
During the trial, Venizelos demonstrated his powerful gift of oratory.
It led too directly to the most powerful and unique gift that we had to give.
Some I could only force away with physical blows because I had no time to direct my powerful gifts.
She was given a powerful gift, and I can assure you, no Healer could have had better training.
His had been a powerful gift; I'm not so sure that mine is -of quite the same magnitude.
After they arrive in Foo, they are given a powerful gift.
In order to survive, Wizard must rely on his powerful gift of 'Knowing'.