Legislatures that want to protect the public safety will find it hard to fight powerful lobbyists.
They don't have politically powerful lobbyists walking the halls of Sacramento.
Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is widely considered to be one of the most powerful and effective lobbyists around.
Money, delivered in political contributions and embodied by powerful lobbyists, seems to rule the Capitol.
It now seems that the commission, fending off powerful lobbyists, will go along with three hours, maybe four, set aside for the benefit of children.
Those on both sides of the border without powerful lobbyists or financial clout are left to fend for themselves.
Grumbling really isn't going to change it - although the protestations of large companies with powerful lobbyists might.
"Republican leaders put the needs of powerful lobbyists ahead of the average family and their needs."
In 1998, he was named one of the ten most powerful lobbyists in Washington.
Jo-Jo takes on everybody from the publisher to powerful lobbyists.