She became so powerful a matriarch that the Japanese engineered her assassination in 1895 at the age of 45.
Drow society in the comic is, for example, ruled by powerful matriarchs and the drow live underground.
After she married she resided in the Bronx, and became a powerful matriarch.
The title character is a powerful matriarch who becomes bitterly estranged from her own family.
Sure, it was the stuff of fantasy to discover I was the long-lost grandson of the island's wealthiest, most powerful matriarch, but this fantasy didn't have a happy ending.
In 2011, Stowe played Victoria Grayson, the glamorous and powerful matriarch of the Grayson family, on ABC's television drama series Revenge.
Steel paints a portrait of a family, imperfect as they may be, and the powerful matriarch who reminds them of the bond that transcends titles, money, and borders.
It was she who had built the house with her own money and who had been one of the most powerful matriarchs of the Baileys.
This section, the only one without a single first-person narrator, focuses on Dilsey, the powerful matriarch of the black family servants.
They look at me and see the powerful matriarch- She snorted.