Fighting the powerful need to ignore the world and make love to her again, he muttered, "Someone's at the door."
There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again.
After an hour in his company, Niall felt a powerful need to forget the outside world and sink inside himself.
He felt a sudden powerful need to glance up toward the windows of the house.
There may be a powerful need to flee or at the very least sit somewhere.
She lies with the ease of someone who has a powerful need.
The rich and powerful need to set up a headquarters so they can start really raising money in order to live properly.
His eyes were stunned and glazed, but there was still a powerful need in them.
Unlike mine, I thought, fueled by hatred and a powerful need for freedom.
The deep, powerful need that started small and spread throughout his body like a holy fire.