Pegasus in Flight continues the story of the Talents, a group of powerful psychics whose abilities have become vital to the Earth's economy.
Some will be powerful psychics, others will merely have a knack for finding other people's car keys.
Kait and the four other psychics at the live-in Zetes Institute are the most powerful psychics in the country in their age group.
As I said, they made a valuable sacrifice-without them, I couldn't save one of the most powerful psychics the world has ever known.
Both are powerful psychics, and Superman has no defense against psychic attacks.
Yamada plans to kill the two powerful psychics with darts containing a biological poison.
Mothra is one of the most powerful psychics in the Toho universe.
A decade into the war, the colony that the Trade Order had exiled centuries ago returned as the Advent, a society of powerful psychics with advanced technology.
But were Mael and Maharet both powerful psychics as well?
These non-psychic investigators follow a series of bizarre murders to the conclusion that a cabal of powerful psychics must be stopped.