There are more powerful relics in a cathedral, you see," Cochrane sounded gloomy.
Most believe the Chalice to be a powerful relic of Heironeous's faith somehow lost to Dispater.
Palaton considered Ytaili's king a fool because he treated the most powerful relic in existence as merely a means to an end.
Many powerful beings, perhaps even the spirit of Morkai himself, would go after such a powerful relic if they had any idea of the shard's whereabouts.
But you now believe that the cross is a powerful relic?
The 'Library' has existed at least since ancient times, and houses both magical and powerful relics.
The current 'Library' is housed in the Metropolitan Public Library which has a secret annex that stores all of the magical and powerful relics.
They sought the Crystal Shard, the powerful relic that had been buried beneath the avalanche on Kelvin's Cairn.
The two clans eventually clashed over wanting to control two powerful relics called the Eyes of the World, a battle which eventually led to their near-extinction.
To defeat the most powerful relic in the world?