But the most powerful resonance for the cries of "Saddam!
The images of the half-stripped protester, whose identity is not known, clearly had a powerful resonance.
Whether consciously or subconsciously intended, the connection with the Holocaust adds a powerful resonance to this already moving and important work.
In other hands, these many levels of reference could seem contrived; here, they generate a powerful poetic resonance.
Given public sensitivity to strange hormones in their milk, the safety argument has powerful resonance.
It's just that sort of unfettered sentiment that gives the drama such powerful resonance.
Transformation is a concept with powerful resonance for the artist.
And he mostly ignores their powerful resonance in domestic politics.
While the commission was created to diagnose mistakes and to recommend reforms, its examination has powerful political resonance.
"His message of growth and opportunity and freedom is one that still has powerful resonance," said a prominent conservative who asked for anonymity.