He headed the car back and pushed madly on the foot accelerator, sending the powerful roadster down the road at top speed.
It would be used in several vehicles, including a powerful roadster designated the Dodge Viper RT-10.
It was a long, powerful roadster that stood in a corner.
Then he opened the door of his powerful roadster and climbed in.
At that timely moment, there was a sharp purr from a powerful roadster in back of the sedan.
They went out into the storage end of the hangar, got into G-8's long, powerful roadster, and went speeding toward the Front.
While Cardona was discoursing thus, a powerful roadster coasted up to the parking lot, and a tall man alighted.
He did not know that the powerful roadster belonged to that man.
A huge, powerful roadster appeared upon that highway, swiftly heading toward the Connecticut border.
From the wheel of his powerful roadster, The Shadow could see Lito Carraza.