Many more powerful commercial slingshots now have a wrist-brace and some models have stabilizers, rotating prongs, sighting mechanisms, and other sophisticated improvements.
The stone, loosed from that powerful slingshot, struck the lorg with a sickening thunk!
Oh, this is Whomper, Gram, the world's most powerful slingshot.
I describe it as hand-held because later I also had built a more powerful slingshot, one that consisted of two live trees and a series of bicycle inner tubes.
David just got a powerful slingshot in his fight against Goliath.
The powerful slingshot was used by clubs for competitive target shooting, as well as for small game hunting.
But Dr. Scott has a powerful slingshot in the form of clergy members who believe in evolution and scientists who believe in God.
Several residents described the militants as being armed with bamboo spears and Ambon arrows, powerful slingshots that fire sharp metal bars, among other projectiles.
Jask removed a powerful slingshot from a bin on Bessy's side.
Wrist-Rocket makes a powerful and accurate slingshot for $2.50.