But in their talk was a sweetness that almost blanketed the powerful stench of the lower nave.
Graboids also have a powerful stench, which is made evident on several occasions throughout the first film.
We talked to the prisoners through the bars, and we could smell a powerful stench coming out of the room.
There was a powerful stench of urine also, as if he no longer went outside to perform his natural functions.
Doesn't last long but I gotta admit it is a powerful stench.
And why was this powerful stench of whiskey hanging around his head?
But those flowers have a powerful stench, so unless the border is a distant one, you may be trying for the slightly smaller C. ramosa.
The stench of fish, powerful on deck, seemed to create an almost visible fog in the confined space.
Nothing could have prepared them for the powerful stench as they approached the floating bodies.
A day passed and then another, but still the hide retained a prohibitively powerful stench.