But rejection of that dynasty could also act as a powerful stimulant.
She was kept alive on the train with "powerful stimulants" and died at the age of 37 soon after her arrival home.
She was teetering on the edge, but I guess curiosity must be a powerful stimulant.
At length there came an interruption, which seemed like a powerful stimulant.
Knowing that you are watching events, albeit from a distance, is a powerful stimulant to better performance.
He felt a jolt of energy course through his body, and knew it was bladderwort, a powerful stimulant.
Only his powerful stimulants were keeping the dying old scientist alive.
The fact is that the man's mere presence acted as a powerful stimulant.
Getting some exercise - even just a 20-minute walk - can be a powerful intestinal stimulant.
The tension this ambivalent reaction created in him was one of the most powerful stimulants he ever received.