The high elbows creates the leverage for the powerful torso and abdominal muscles to assist in the stroke.
The nursery was aglow with dozens of oil globes, casting his powerful torso a gleaming bronze.
Slowly, she felt life coming back into his limbs and powerful torso.
The sun shone through the light robes he wore-revealing spindly legs, but a powerful torso.
She looked at the powerful torso, and deeply muscled shoulders and arms.
The extraordinarily powerful torso, straining its hulking mass of bone and flesh against bands that tie it back, seems more animal than human.
All could see the thick, slitted neck, and then the creature's powerful torso.
Its body was comprised of spindly limbs and a stocky powerful torso.
Only the brute force embodied in Zerft's powerful torso kept him from assaulting the usurper.