Inside it are two very big downs-you know, powerful tranquilizers.
Other extracts from periwinkle help lower blood sugar in diabetics and are the basis for powerful tranquilizers.
His stamina is sufficiently heightened to the point he can exert himself for numerous hours, even after exposure to powerful tranquilizers.
Too bad he didn't have some really powerful tranquilizer along but that wasn't standard medikit equipment.
After drug and alcohol treatment, Mr. Barnes said, he now follows a regimen of powerful tranquilizers.
Blade now wanted to try out his idea for turning the Shield of Life into a powerful tranquilizer.
There was no sufficiently powerful tranquilizer, so she settled on a sedative that should leave her prisoner able to walk.
They wanted me to give you a powerful tranquilizer, but I didn't have anything suitable.
When those are not enough she demands powerful tranquilizers from her doctor.
He was released on Jan. 24, weak and dazed from six months of almost daily injections with powerful tranquilizers.