Experts say approaches like these represent a powerful new trend in migraine research.
Mrs. Franklin said that the most powerful trend in county development she has seen over the last 50 years is the resistance to change itself.
This does look like a powerful trend, other languages don't stand a lot of chance.
Behind this mass is a powerful social trend toward earlier retirement.
From that perspective, the court's performance in the last term represented the playing out of a powerful historical trend.
The show is also going against a powerful trend of vying for a young audience, generally the 18-to-34-year-old age group.
Within this context, however, a second powerful trend is unfolding.
While the secularists sneered, it became a powerful trend, a fashion in its own right.
But he will be fighting powerful trends that have transformed politics in the region with remarkable speed.
And even skeptics understand that those numbers are merely the beginning of a powerful trend.