It was the less obvious but more powerful urge that drove him on.
A powerful urge told me to return to the station and get on the train back to Jamila's place.
He felt a powerful urge to run, to avoid facing the truth.
I'm not sure why, but I had a sudden, powerful urge to take one last look at the old house.
Niall had to fight a powerful urge to turn and run.
She resisted a powerful urge to reach out and trace that line with her fingers.
I had a powerful premonitory urge to gather my children to me.
"It's just that I've got a powerful urge to see what's on the other side of the next hill."
Every so often I get a powerful urge to return to that nameless little stream.
A few months back I suddenly got a powerful urge to go out and have a look around.