They are able to produce far more powerful vibration than most battery-powered vibrators.
The silence between them was filled with his powerful vibrations and she shuddered against the hatred that crossed the room.
Its powerful vibrations create strong safety armor around the practitioner that protects him/her from the outer evil effects and brings desired success in life.
But no wind disturbed the night-only the brief burst of sapphire light and the powerful vibrations that accompanied it.
Like misshapen cardboard, the jammed wall began to regain its shape, under the powerful vibration.
She was caught up, entangled in the powerful vibration of the night.
With this their expectation is that their minds will be spiritually linked in those powerful vibrations.
With the flip of another switch, powerful up-and-down vibrations, 50 a second, started shaking the cylinder.
A low but powerful vibration spread through the hull.
As the device's magic grew and spread, its powerful vibrations caused the very rocks of the fortress to begin to sing.