In the meantime, Gardner succeeded in his task of recruiting powerful villains.
He may be the most powerful villain in the comics' fictional universe, responsible for the creation of several others.
The victim is usually a small-time villain who's done something to upset a more powerful villain.
Red Monika accidentally releases four extremely powerful villains during the breakout.
This destiny often involves saving a city, kingdom, or other large group from harm by a powerful villain or a dangerous monster.
From there he spread out, assimilating one criminal organization after another, until today he is the most powerful villain on the continent.
Using Shadowcat as the catalyst, the two shows appear similar: a teenage girl with superpowers fights powerful villains in order to save her high school.
You cannot have the titanically powerful villain, who has the hero at his mercy, suddenly drop dead of a gratuitous heart attack.
Doctor Destroyer is the most powerful villain in the Hero Universe.
He was booked as a fan favorite underdog who regularly lost to physically more powerful villains.