Yet the powerful winches kept drawing in.
The vessel sat on a big trolley, which was on rails, and was hauled up onto dry land by a powerful winch.
Specialist armoured recovery vehicles are used for this, which may have powerful winches or even cranes.
Former football players and rowers, in particular, have been used to grind the powerful winches on 12-Meters.
Revolving doors had been built into the exits, each operated by a couple of men with powerful winches.
Options include running boards, grille guard, voice-activated phone and a powerful winch recessed in the bumper.
Howling at full tilt, the powerful winch dragged the balloon down, and the great furnace of gas fell on top of them.
Often used on racing yachts to replace polyester when powerful winches are used.
From the squat, pointed cylinder, heavy leads were run, while other men set up powerful electric winches.
It was quite a powerful winch, although not at all magical, simply very well made.