Because lightning would be powerfully attracted here by the presence of the metal.
Contemporary black intellectuals are powerfully attracted to this notion of double consciousness.
Almost against their will, as if hypnotized, they took a few hesitating steps toward it, powerfully attracted by the suggestive shape.
"Doesn't matter," Joe said when I, feeling powerfully attracted to the idiot-proof, tried to point this out.
He was powerfully attracted to Lindy, he thought she liked him, too, and yet he shied away.
One can be powerfully attracted to someone whose appearance is quite unremarkable.
On the other hand, let me own that I was powerfully attracted and interested by the beauty of her voice.
She liked Ignat; in fact, she was starting to feel powerfully attracted.
She had been powerfully attracted to him then; she still was.
His appreciation of Gretna Melkinata went beyond such considerations, though; he was powerfully attracted to her.