He is believed to have translated into Latin several medical treatises which dealt with practical medicine.
During his tenure at Helmstädt, he also taught classes in botany and practical medicine.
His contributions to practical medicine were also important.
He worked in practical medicine under the physician Daniel Whistler (1619-1684).
His most important work was in practical medicine, especially diet and nutrition, but he also wrote the first systematic textbook on animal anatomy.
This work became one of the most important reference manuals of practical medicine for the next three centuries.
"The walls between practical medicine and lab science, particularly enhanced computing and engineering, are coming down."
Back then, while still involved in practical medicine, Jen used to complain she was always being sent the cases no one else could diagnose.
He was called to occupy the chair of practical medicine in Padua in 1569.
Although he was not a medical man, he had a good working knowledge of practical medicine which was now invaluable.